Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Circular Firing Squad


So what if the bearded horse man was a little bit saucy

To the transphobic author who excuses the Nazis

He dragged her errand girl by her pretty silk stockings

Through a pit of coals, now the cops are body-chalking

The pantyhose looks better on the bird-loving femboy

Their fans use vibrators 'til their toys ain't making noise

Lights out! Guerrilla radio!

But enjoy the infighting, ‘cause the alt-right ain’t playing, yo



A circular firing squad

Is the best way to meet God

Fighting like children who were spared the rod

If only we could tell them corporal punishment is flawed



While you fuckers are fighting over a bowl of ramen noodles

Uncle Clarence Thomas is collecting massive boodles

But wait, the whitest of white chicks was the chef

Now you’re putting out videos on why you left the left

You were never there before, the way you shit on addicts

Leaving them to fight in prison cells to see who is the baddest

Fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me!

That used to be us, but it’s bickering we’re selling



A circular firing squad

Is the best way to meet God

Fighting like children who were spared the rod

If only we could tell them corporal punishment is flawed



They’re wholesome degenerates, not MAGA confederates

Step up to the plate, let’s see you do it better, bitch

You would crumble like crackers staring down the camera lens

You’ve got another eight hours until the livestream ends



Hippie-dippie-Tippy, he’s a lover of good food

That ain’t insult comedy, your washed-up ass would get booed

Fatphobic jokes are the only kind you got

While your trad family’s roast beef is cooking in the pot

It’s not doxing if your name is in the paper

If anything, he did your cause a little bitty favor

Pistol grip pump on your lap at all times!

Let’s see if infighting turns into violent crimes



A circular firing squad

Is the best way to meet God

Fighting like children who were spared the rod

If only we could tell them corporal punishment is flawed

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