Friday, October 18, 2019


I want to be superhuman, fucking invincible
Drive a car without getting smashed into kibble
Write like my life depends on it, because it does
Read a gazillion books per motherfucking month
Make so many friends and know how to keep them
Make my crushes known instead of just a secret
Go back to school and earn a shit ton of A-pluses
Donate my time to fur babies in need of cuddles
Start my very own channel and earn a lot of likes
Sell my books until there’re none left in sight
Travel the world to visit my very best friends
America, South Africa, and Britain around the bend
I want to be superhuman, make my dreams come true
Make the world a better place for guys like me and you
Leave behind a legacy, not a carbon footprint
This is the game of life, I want to fucking win
Future generations can only look up to me
If I’m superhuman even when I hurt and bleed
I want to be fucking tough, I want to like it rough
Unlimited energy is somehow never just enough
The world is mine if I want to take the damn thing
When I get off my ass, they’ll start calling me king

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