Friday, February 21, 2014

The Geek Store

Dreams are always a wonderful source of creativity. When we have them, it seems as though they’re just random pictures floating through our heads. Do they have meaning? Most of the time they do. I had a dream the other night that might be the inspiration for a business venture should I ever make enough money from being an indie author. In this dream, I went to a place called The Geek Store and bought a whole bunch of graphic novels. I might have gotten some standard novels as well, but for the most part, I got comic books. When I talked about this with my sister-in-law Susan, I began to brainstorm other things I could sell if I decided to open my own version of The Geek Store. So far, I have graphic novels, regular novels, Dungeons & Dragons paraphernalia, toys, Magic: the Gathering cards, and the obligatory snacks people eat whenever they’re engaging in creative activities. I’m pretty sure there are gaming shops that sell these things already. Lord knows I’ve been to a few of them. That means when I eventually buy the rights to The Geek Store, I’ll have to sell more varieties of things. Maybe I should put on some tunes and brainstorm ideas for items at this store in my Lego journal. Journals are good for brainstorming. They really clear up the mind, and, holy shit, there’s another idea for something to sell: themed diaries. With all the things I’ve already listed, how about I just put it this way. I envision The Geek Store being a hybrid of all these other stores: Barnes & Noble, Wizards of the Coast, Lego Land, Toys R Us, and Michael’s Art Shop. All of the sudden, the umbrella term just got opened up to cover more areas. I like that! I like that a lot! Of course, with any business idea, while it may sound like a lot of fun, I do have to keep track of several financial aspects such as taxes and profits. All those numbers can really drain somebody’s creativity before it has the chance to spark in a place like The Geek Store. If I ever do open up such a place, I’ll need a business savvy partner. It doesn’t even have to be somebody I already know. It could just be a random consultant out of the Yellow Pages. I know absolutely nothing about business. I took one class on it when I was in high school and that was during my freshman year when my brain was already turning to liquid shit. Having a business-minded partner would seal the deal if I ever decided to make this store a reality. I’ll even settle for having Paul Heyman as my business associate. Then again, it’s not really settling if you enjoy the guy’s WWE promos. I’d even dare say I’m a Paul Heyman guy. But I’m losing sight of things already. The question of the day is, if I opened a Geek Store in your hometown, would you shop there? Please say yes. Hell, I know you’ll say yes, because you’d have to be a little geeky in order to read my blog in the first place.



Q: What does a futuristic police officer get when he has sex with a prostitute?

A: Robo Clap.

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