Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Time Cruisers and Time Twisters

I’ll be the first to admit that history wasn’t always my favorite subject in school. I always thought literature from the middle ages was supposed to be like a Dungeons & Dragons adventure. I also thought the 1800’s were supposed to be a wild west adventure complete with gun slinging and steam punk paraphernalia. I was sorely disappointed when I found out these things were false. I have the C’s on my report card to prove it. With the Time Cruisers and Time Twisters Lego sets and a big imagination, I didn’t have to conform to the history books. The middle ages didn’t have Bat Knights you say? The future doesn’t have Insectoid robots? Fuck that shit! If Dr. Cyber and Tim are a part of my playtime, I say make it so. No teacher screaming in my ear is going to tell me otherwise. This was all back in 1996 and 1997 when these particular Lego sets were popular. Dr. Cyber and Tim, better known as the Time Cruisers, had these creative-looking vehicles with dragon wings, fire engines, and hypnotic disks. Tony Twister and Professor Millennium, better known as the villainous Time Twisters, also had fun-looking vehicles, but this time the hypnotic disks were black and blue and each set came with bat wings, skeletons, chains, god knows what else. The Time Cruisers and Time Twisters would always butt heads in the magical Dark Forest, the mysterious reaches of the moon, the gun slinging bloodbath of the Wild West, or anywhere else my imagination could take me. But as I said, this was during the sixth grade, which was between 1996 and 1997. After those wonderful years of badass time travel, Lego decided to pull the plug on those two series. Ever since then, Dr. Cyber, Tim, Tony Twister, and Professor Millennium have been without work and were only remembered by a select few Generation Y members who actually wanted to bring their creativity to life. I say it’s time we resurrect their legacy from the bowels of forgotten Lego lore. But how are we going to do that other than buy their sets on eBay (the only place they can be found these days)? Could we write fan fiction about them? Maybe the Lego corporation has enough amnesia they wouldn’t notice if somebody breached their copyright clause. Are you willing to take that risk? Is there anybody out there who would gladly take this chance? Yes, fan fiction is an accepted art form on various websites, but what about the real world? Could we actually see a paperback novel about the Time Cruisers and Time Twisters on Barnes & Noble’s bookshelves? It seems to me that’s the best way to bring attention back to these underrated chronomancers. If not, then I guess we’ll just have to keep them alive in our hearts and memories. But you have to admit, hearts and memories can be lonely places at times, not at all unlike solitary confinement.



“When I was a kid and I got sick, I would go to a doctor who would take me to the hospital to be treated by other doctors. Now I go to a family practitioner who’s part of a health maintenance organization which sends me to a wellness center to be treated by healthcare delivery professionals.”

-George Carlin-

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