Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"The George Carlin Letters" by Sally Wade

After watching George Carlin perform on one of his crazy HBO specials, would you have guessed that he was a loving family man who constantly wrote love notes to his second wife Sally Wade? Take your time in digesting this information. Cycle through all of the times he said that he enjoys car crashes and hurricanes before picking up a copy of “The George Carlin Letters” by Sally Wade. The book is described as a romantic comedy and justifiably so. Throughout the love notes that George wrote to his wife is one with a drawing of a bald woman that said, “If you shaved your head I would still love you (note the hard nipples)”. That’s one of my favorites and that’s just getting to the back cover. Other love notes include references that Sally and George are from Jupiter since their romance transcends earth’s boundaries and rules. Notice how he didn’t say Saturn, because people from Saturn are assholes. Then again, I’d be an asshole too if I had a bunch of space junk circling my planet. Martians and Venusians are alright, though. In fact, there’s a slim chance that Sally and George’s longtime doggy-wog Spot might be a Venusian. There are tons of references to Spot throughout the book. And why not? He’s such a little cutie pie! Plus, that’s all life ever was to George: a series of dogs. Does any of this sound giggly and romantic to you? It should. It’s a heartwarming love story that makes you glad that it’s nonfiction. Sally even describes being married to George as the best ten years of her life. But all good things must come to an end eventually. In 2008, two days before George and Sally’s tenth anniversary, George passed away and left the world a darker place than it already was. Sally could have made this near-end of the book into a somber funeral if she wanted to. But instead, she maintained the giggly spirit of the book and made references to George making contact with her from the other side alongside Spot, who also died during the marriage. Sally says that George still visits her whenever she takes a shower. Not just because she needs reassurance, but also because she happens to be naked. That’s our George! We’re all going to miss him dearly. Even though he said otherwise during his 2008 HBO special It’s Bad For Ya, he probably is smiling down from heaven. He’s probably not running the heavenly branch of the Make-a-Wish Foundation, so don’t count on any favors. If you want true romance, don’t buy a cheesy Harlequin book. Buy “The George Carlin Letters” by Sally Wade!



“I’ve got an idea for an abortion pill that works only half the time. It’s called Baby Maybe!”

-George Carlin-

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