Monday, January 28, 2013

"Fifty Shades of Grey" by EL James

“Fifty Shades of Grey” has gotten a shit ton of criticism since publication. Some of it is legitimate, but most of it is just enforcing the stigma of it being based off of a piece of “Twilight” fan fiction. Personally, I don’t care where the idea for this book came from. If you read it, no matter what gender you are, the room you’re reading it in will become a hot, steamy sauna. If you’re already reading it in a sauna, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to tell the difference. If you’re a man, your peter will stand up and flop against your belly button. If you’re a woman, you’ll get so wet that you’ll have to wear a diaper just to read this book. When it comes to erotic fiction, isn’t that really all that matters? Are you really that turned off about Anastasia Steele having an “inner goddess” and a smart-assed subconscious? And does it really bother you that the characters’ names are designed to be sexy? Imagine if Anastasia’s name was Blanche Hertz. What kind of stigma does that ugly name apply to? An old woman? A woman with razor-sharp teeth? A woman with a guttural voice? The reason Anastasia Steele was given her name was because names always carry a certain amount of emotional baggage. With that name, you get the impression that she’s a romantic princess instead of a furry monster. What about the name Christian Grey? Suppose Anastasia’s corporate dominant boyfriend was named Christian Lipchitz. Anastasia wouldn’t have even entered his office building in the first place. Even if she did, her first interview question would have been, “If your Lipchitz, what does your ass do?” And then Christian would have spanked her with a barbed wire bat instead of his hand. The point I’m trying to make is that you shouldn’t turn down this book just because of a few minor flaws. As an erotic author, EL James has one goal: to keep a surplus of lotion and tissue around your house. And guess what? She accomplishes that goal with flying colors. Granted, she does so with the theme of a bondage fetish, but it’s still a hot and steamy book regardless of your sexual appetites. Pick it up and try it. You might be surprised!



“My cheeks are now the color of The Communist Manifesto.”

-Anastasia Steele from “Fifty Shades of Grey”-

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